

This page contains a bunch of links to useful learning resources. Many of the pages we link to are themselves links to many other sites and tools. We will expand this list and try to make it more useful as we go along. Let us know which bits you find useful (or not), and make suggestions for new things that should be added.

Note Although we are happy to receive suggestions for new resources, as a matter of policy we do not post links to sites which have mainly paid-for content or whose main goal is commercial rather than educational.

We have also produced a Programming and Computing FAQ to give you a quick overview.

Starting with Scratch

Scratch is great way to begin learning to code. It allows you to make cool programs using a drag-and-drop approach and is designed to be fun!

Beyond Scratch

If you’ve been doing Scratch for a while at home, school or Prewired and want to go further, or you just feel like a challenge, then a good place to start is by learning Python or JavaScript - Try out any of the links below!

General Coding

Beginning Python

In addition to the general coding links above, the following page gives an excellent overview of learning resources for newcomers to Python:

Collaboration Tools

Web Development




Machine Learning

Project Ideas